What are the delivery charges for orders?

Delivery charges vary based on the item you are ordering, how many items you are ordering, where they are being delivered and other situations. It is calculated during the checkout process. We strive to provide the most accurate pricing during checkout but keep in mind this is estimated until the item ships.

Which payment methods are accepted?

We accept all major credit cards.

How long will delivery take?

Delivery time will vary. We ship via USPS or UPS. Your purchase is shipped the next business day after purchase except if purchased on Saturday it will go out on Tuesday.

How secure is shopping on your website?  Is my data protected?

Your protection is our top priority. We use advanced encryption technologies when you purchase through us.

What happens after ordering?

After placing your order you should receive an email with confirmation of your order. We will confirm receipt of your payment and ship your order within 1-3 business days.

Do I receive and invoice for my order?

You will receive a confirmation email when you place an order and a receipt when you receive it in the mail.